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Free download of SmartCardAPI trial is made available for evaluation purposes and personal use. CardWerk SmartCard API is not a free product. It is not permitted to use Evaluation Versions for any commercial purposes.
Current Version
CardWerk SmartCard API (Professional) SDK rev (02JAN2025)
The download includes C# code examples for contact card and contactless card systems.
This includes sample code for NXP Mifare Classic, NXP DESFire EV1/EV2/EV3, HID Prox, HID iCLASS, HID SEOS, PIV / CAC card, and many more cards.
SmartCardAPI is available from our secure website.
Sample projects can be loaded with Visual Studio. Your smart card integration starts here.
Email support is included with your trial download. And if you ever need a smart card expert for software development and consulting, please check out for available services.
By downloading SmartCard API software you agree to be bound to the software license conditions.
Trial downloads contain fully functional, time restricted versions of SmartCardAPI G2 and CardModules for a variety of cards..
Purchase of a software license allows you to use and redistribute SmartCard API with your software. CardWerk SmartCard API (Professional) License Terms
Smart Card Sample Projects
The following samples are available and part of the trial download. Note that you can use SmartCardAPI for any contact, contactless or PROX card supported by a PC/SC compliant card reader.
We provide these samples as is. The core product is SmartCardAPI. Additional software modules are provided for your convenience without any claim to be a full implementation of the targeted card edge interface.
HelloCard: Sample code for contact cards and contactless cards. Explores card type and tries to find an applicable SmartCard API CardModule
iClassCardDemo: C# sample code for HID iCLASS cards on Elatec and OMNIKEY 5×21,5022, 5422, 5023, and 5127, 5427 CK readers.
SeosCardDemo: C# sample code for HID SEOS cards on Elatec and OMNIKEY 5023, 5127, and 5427 CK readers.
MifareClassicDemo: C# sample code for NXP Mifare Classic contactless storage cards. Read, Write, LoadKey, General Authenticate via PC/SC 2.01 part3 compliant card edge.
MifareUltralightDemo: C# sample code for NXP Mifare Ultralight contactless storage cards. Read, Write, Authentication via host software.
DESFireCardDemo: C# sample code for NXP Mifare DESFire EV1 contactless cards.
ProxCardDemo: C# sample code for HID Proximity (PROX,) 125 kHz cards – Displays HID PROX Card Number and facility code shown with 26 bit, 32 bit, 35 bit and 37 bit Wiegand code formats for HID Global proximity cards including H10301,H10302,H10304,H10320 and Corporate 1000. Reader and card detection/tracking.Requires OMNIKEY 5125, 5325, 5427 CK, 5127 CK,5326 DFR reader. Also tested with Elatec reader.
PivCardDemo: C# NIST PIV/DoD CAC, TSA TWIC card sample code – Detects PIV FIPS-201 card and reads its Card Holder Unique Identifier (CHUID) according to NIST SP800-73. Reads and displays FASCN, Expiration Date and GUID. PIN VERIFY with secure PIN entry (SPE) reader if available. Reads and displays printed information. Also supports DoD CAC and TSA TWIC. Reads and displays X509 Certificates. Reads and displays PIV card capability container.
The following samples are available for the legacy version of SmartCardAPI. We gladly port them to SmartCardAPI G2 upon request:
NfcTag: C# sample code for NXP NTAG contactless storage cards. Read, Write.
Geldkarte: (G2 port pending) C# sample code for German Geldkarte
eGK: (G2 port pending) C# Sample code for German Health Insurance Card including MKT, KVK and eGK
SIMcard: (G2 port pending) C# Sample code for GSM SIM cards
HelloCard.VB: (G2 port pending) sample code for contact cards and contactless cards. Very Easy to use. Event handlers for card insertion/removal and lost/found card readers.
MemoryCard: (G2 port pending) C# sample code for SLE4442, AT24SCxx and similar synchronous storage cards on OMNIKEY contact card readers (Xchip and Aviator support)
Need a Smart Card Expert?
Contact us for custom software development services – we integrate any smart card according to your specification.